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- Appeal to nature
- Black and white thinking
- Ad Hominem
- Genetic
- Slippery slope
- Argument from ignorance
- Cherry picking
- Appeal to emotion and popularity
- Post hoc
- Straw man
- Relativism
- Absolutism
- Begging the question
- Equivocation
- Hasty Generalization
- Composition
- Division
- Lottery
- Appeal to inappropriate authority
- Red herring
- Playing god
*There are informal and formal fallacies. This chapter mostly covers some informal fallacies while Ch. 12 explores formal fallacies.
I recommend reviewing the fallacy quizzes before and after reading this chapter.
Click here for a video on the main ideas of this chapter.
*If you are one of my students in PHIL 1301 or 2306, your objective is to be able to define, compare, and recognize the 22 fallacies.
*Why and How to Study Fallacies
1. Appeal to nature
2. Black and white thinking
3. Ad Hominem
4. Genetic
5. Slippery slope
6. Argument from ignorance
7. Cherry picking
8. Appeal to emotion and popularity
9. Post hoc
10. Straw man
11. Relativism
12. Absolutism
13. Begging the question
14. Equivocation
15. Hasty Generalization
16. Composition
17. Division
18. Lottery
19. Appeal to inappropriate authority
20. Red herring
21. Playing god
22. Non Sequitur: means “it does not follow.” It is another way of saying “the argument is fallacious” or “the conclusion does not follow from the evidence/premises.”
See Chapter 12 on Formal Fallacies for more...
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Why bother? Clarify your ideas, win debates, discover truths, more clearly communicate, better evaluate arguments, do philosophy well, and it's fun.