For The Reader/Student

How do you think well? The purpose of this book/website is to help you master the most essential logical concepts and skills needed to think well. Each chapter contains content, video, and exercises to help you become a logical Jedi. Take the quizzes after reading each chapter to see how well you understand the material. 

For The Instructor

If you are an instructor, this book/website can help your students develop logical skills. Although I teach philosophy at the university level, these lessons are also appropriate for middle and high school. For example, I used the fallacy section when teaching middle school history and the falsifiability section when teaching middle school science. At the university level, I often use all sections.

Where am I?

You can contact me through my Youtube Channel or at



* A note from Yoda: Train your mind, but do not get lost in it.

Sincerely, Yoda

Click Here for Chapter 1 (What is an argument?)